8 Irresistible Film Cameos By Sportsmen

6. Eric Cantona - Looking For Eric

From one footballer-cum-actor to another, the legendary Eric Cantona makes an appearance on the list. Technically speaking, Cantona€™s role in Looking For Eric pushes beyond the definition of a cameo; he is an integral part of the storyline. He plays his part with the typical arrogance we have come to expect from him in a solid acting performance. In this film Cantona plays the role of wise and omniscient mentor to Eric Bishop, a fanatic football man who has fallen on hard times. Interestingly, Cantona only appears as a hallucination after Eric has smoked cannabis. To most people this would be classed as a bad trip, but Eric embraces the opportunity to seek advice and guidance from the philosophical Frenchman.

A student currently doing an English Language & Literature degree. I'm kind of a big deal. My apartment smells of rich mahogany and I have many leather-bound books. Anchorman is my favourite film.