8 Lucio Fulci Films You Need To Watch

8. The New York Ripper (1982)

Fulci must€™ve taken note of the success his fellow Italian schlockmeisters were enjoying with nasty films like Cannibal Ferox and House On The Edge Of The Park, because New York Ripper goes out of its way to be as sleazy and unpleasant as possible. If anything, the movie€™s too effective - not only was the picture banned in the UK, the print was escorted out of the country by Her Majesty€™s Constabulary. Set in a grimy, run-down, pre-Giuliani New York, where every other person appears to be some kind of predator, NYR proudly wallows in filth from beginning to end. There€™s a mad killer (who speaks with Donald Duck€™s voice) on the loose, but don€™t expect any of Fulci€™s usual cinematic flourishes as he€™s far too interested in portraying the human condition at its lowest. Mixed in with the prostitutes and live sex shows are some truly unpleasant sequences, such as when the killer ties up a young woman and tortures her with a razor blade, eventually slicing into her eyeball. Critics that accused the director of misogynistic excess might€™ve had a point.
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Lucio Fulci
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'