8 Lucio Fulci Films You Need To Watch

7. Manhattan Baby (1982)

Fulci€™s usual screenwriter (Dardano Sacchetti) frequently lifts ideas from other films, but in Manhattan Baby he really goes to town, borrowing elements from The Exorcist, Rosemary€™s Baby, The Omen, The Awakening and The Birds. Originality may not be the film€™s strongest suit, but Fulci€™s at the top of his game here and, backed by a talented technical crew, he turns in a stylized headtrip of a movie. The plot involves a possessed Egyptian amulet that, when brought back to New York, causes a gateway to hell to open in an archaeologist€™s apartment building. Once the babysitter (named €œJamie Lee€) becomes aware of this, colleagues brought in to help mysteriously vanish, the desert manifests itself in a spare room and the building€™s superintendent dies in an accident that nobody appears to witness. There€™s also a Mysterious Stranger who dabbles in the occult and a statue of Anubis that seems to appear at will, but enough already. Full of outrageous set-pieces set to a memorable Fabio Frizzi score, this strikingly shot little chiller has atmosphere to burn and belongs in every Fulci fan€™s collection.
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Lucio Fulci
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'