8 Magical Movies That Turned Out Unsettling

1. Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory has become a classic family film, with its rags-to-riches story and the magical sense of wonder that it inspires.

That doesn't mean it isn't the most disturbing children's movie ever made, though.

When five children win a chance to enter the elusive Willy Wonka's factory on a tour guided by the chocolatier himself, it seems to be the chance of a lifetime.

That is, until the horrific industrial accidents begin.

First, poster-boy for childhood obesity August Gloop falls into a chocolate river and is sucked into the mechanisms, but to take everyone's mind off of the incident, Wonka takes the remaining contest winners on a relaxing boat ride.

They enter Wonka's tunnel, only to discover it to be a portal into the realm of nightmares. With psychedelic swirling colours and flashing images of a large worm slithering across a corpse, a chicken being slaughtered and a number of flying cockroaches, all while Wonka recites a strange poem in increasingly hysterical tones.

And, just as the icing on the cake, once the nightmare boat ride is over, children continue to fall prey to the many dangers of Wonka's factory for the remainder of the tour.

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The Dark Side Of Kids TV Quiz!

Dinosaurs Baby
eOne Family

1. What Does Peppa Pig Have In Common With The Human Centipede 2?


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.