8 Marvel Characters That Could Appear In Thor: Love & Thunder

7. Shadrak

Thor Love and Thunder Hercules
Marvel Comics

Even if the God of Fear does make his MCU debut in Thor: Love and Thunder, who’s to say there can’t be any more new gods? Gorr butchered Gods for thousands of years after all, and so why not show what he is capable of right from the start?

The fourth Thor movie is looking to be very busy already, with the inclusion of the Guardians of the Galaxy and the return of Jane Foster, so there may only be a short amount of time to introduce Gorr the God Butcher and develop him as a serious threat to Thor. The best way to do this may be with the help of Shadrak, the God of Wine and Waterfalls, Kittens and Coconuts, and Pancakes and Tambourines. In reality, he was the God of Bombs, and helped Gorr make his Godbomb weapon.

In the comics, while Thor is hunting Gorr, he comes across Shadrak, a god that has been tortured to madness by his new adversary. Nothing would show Christian Bale’s villain means business like the shell of a creature he turned Shadrak into. The God Butcher killed this particular god’s entire pantheon, but left him alone to witness the horror and destruction.

To ensure him no respite, Gorr sliced off Shadrak’s eyelids in a showing of cruelty that could be matched by few other MCU villains. A brief interaction between Thor and Shadrak even before Gorr makes his first appearance would set the tone nicely.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.