8 Mind-Blowing Movie Coincidences You Won't Believe Actually Happened
6. Brad Pitt Tore His Achilles Tendon Whilst Playing Achilles - Troy
If you've seen Troy, you're probably still annoyed that it wasn't anywhere near good as it could have been, given its Trojan Horse-sized budget and all of those good actors who signed on, one of whom was Brad Pitt.
In the movie, Pitt plays the super mythical Grecian hero Achilles, who you'll know was all-together invincible, save for one weakness - his heel. There's now a part of your own heel known as the "Achilles" tendon as a result of this, named after him because he famously died when he took an injury there.
Okay, now think back to the movie. Picture that scene where Pitt, imbued with the might of Achilles, leaps in the air to take out Eric Bana, who's playing a character called Hector. If you're remembering rightly, this is the part where Bana dies - it was also the scene in which, during filming, Brad Pitt landed awkwardly and tore his Achilles tendon. As a result of this somewhat hilarious coincidence, filming was shut down for a few months, and everyone on the crew presumably spent that time wondering which Gods they'd off.