8 More Movie Fan Theories Confirmed By The Creators

2. Chief Is A Demi-God - Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman Chief
Warner Bros.

The Theory: This might sound like a crackpot fan theory at first, but stick with it. Chief (Eugene Brave Rock) is a peripheral member of Diana's (Gal Gadot) team, and when he first introduces himself to her, his Native American dialogue isn't subtitled.

However, enterprising fans translated it and revealed that Chief refers to himself as Napi, the Native American God of Creation. Still, many dismissed this as nothing more than a cute Easter egg.

The Confirmation: The actor who plays Chief, Eugene Brave Rock, was asked on social media whether this was a throwaway joke line or not, and he confirmed that Chief was indeed a "Blackfoot culture hero and Demi-god."

Though this isn't confirmation from Zack Snyder himself, the fact that the actor's claim is backed-up by the translated dialogue makes it easy enough to accept.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.