8 More Recent Movie Moments IMPOSSIBLE To Watch The Same After This

4. Chris Hemsworth Takes Cover... Behind A Ladder - Extraction 2

Saltburn Barry Keoghan

The God of Thunder himself Chris Hemsworth clearly doesn't mind throwing himself into the most perilous scenarios imaginable whenever he opts to shoot another chapter of Netflix's action-packed Extraction series. But the Tyler Rake star's boldest and most ridiculous moment of madness in the 2023 sequel wasn't actually that time he got legitimately set on fire during an intense fight sequence.

As Rake attempts to keep from being blasted to smithereens by a helicopter on a train (as you do), some eagle-eyed viewers soon spotted a particularly bizarre tactic the black ops mercenary was using to keep himself out of danger.

Rather than take cover behind the many storage boxes nearby, Tyler strangely opts to stay behind a ladder. And just like that, Hemsworth's central figure goes from looking like a quick-thinking badass, to a bit of a fool who feels a gap-filled ladder will keep him safe from harm as the chopper closes in.

That being said, even if it's impossible to unsee such a ridiculous visual, Rake did still manage to survive and fire said 'copter out of the sky not long after. So, perhaps more folks should take a chance on ladder cover in action flicks going forward?

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...