8 More Worst Horror Movie Decisions With Unbelievable Consequences

5. Watching The Tape - Ring

28 Days Later
Hideo Nakata

We've all received a spam email in our time. Whether it's telling us we've won the lottery or claiming that we're actually related to some far-flung royal family, these sorts of messages are commonplace and are, rightfully, ignored by most who receive them.

The horror movie equivalent on these emails is the tape from The Ring, or just Ring to give it its proper Japanese title.

The film hinges on a cursed video tape, which comes with a warning that it will kill anybody who watches it. Regardless of this advice, many people do watch the tape, which summons a vengeful ghost hell-bent on that person's demise.

Obviously these people should not have watched the tape. It is made very clear that anybody who consumes the footage will be brutally murdered within seven days, so why would anyone actually watch it? Well, think back to those emails.

In amongst the regular spam, there's often a mildly threatening email claiming to have your bank details or to have installed a virus on your PC. Again, rightfully so, most people ignore these emails.

So you can't really blame The Ring's victims for not heeding the tape's warning. That doesn't make their fates any less gruesome though.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.