8 More Worst Horror Movie Decisions With Unbelievable Consequences

4. Beau's Toy - A Quiet Place

28 Days Later
Paramount Pictures

Nobody can say that 2018's A Quiet Place hold backs, because it kills off a four-year-old child within the first ten minutes.

Revolving around the Abbott family and their survival in a post-apocalyptic world, A Quiet Place is famous for its villainous blind aliens who rely solely on sound to hunt.

To evade their intergalactic foes, Lee (John Krasinski) and Evelyn (Emily Blunt) have to keep their three young children quiet at all costs. Getting kids to shut up is hard at the best of times, but their task becomes even harder when their son Beau finds a toy space shuttle.

His parents tell him that the toy will make too much noise and tell him to leave it behind. However, Beau's sister Regan manages to sneak the toy out, removing the batteries before giving it to Beau.

Unbeknownst the family, Beau also takes the batteries, which seals his fate.

Beau activates the toy and its sound effects attracts a nearby creature. The alien then kills the young boy, triggering the events of the film.

Regan's act of apparent kindness accidentally cost her brother his life. The moral of this story? Never be nice to anyone.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.