8 More Worst Horror Movie Decisions With Unbelievable Consequences

2. Parking So Far Away - ATM

28 Days Later
IFC Films

ATM is a not-so-good horror movie with a decent premise. Three friends are trapped in an ATM booth by a mysterious hooded figure.

When it becomes clear that this man is a psychopath who wants to kill them, the trio have to figure out how to escape the booth and evade their would-be murderer.

This claustrophobic stand-off could have easily been avoided though, had the protagonists just though a little bit more about where they parked their car.

One of the group's goals is to retrieve a cell phone which was left inside their car before they entered the booth. Sounds easy enough, until you realise that they left said vehicle all the way at the back of the parking lot.

Why the gang didn't just park closer to the cash machines is a mystery. It's not like there weren't any free spaces - the carpark was empty! If they're just put a little more thought into it, then maybe they could have reached the car more easily, called the cops, and escaped the mystery killer.

Then again, there wouldn't be a movie if this did happen. Although, going by some of its critical scores, maybe that's not such a bad thing.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.