8 More Worst Horror Movie Decisions With Unbelievable Consequences

1. Saving The Monkeys - 28 Days Later

28 Days Later
Fox Searchlight Pictures

Have you ever tried to do something nice for somebody and accidentally just made the situation ten times worse?

That's exactly what a group of environmental activists did in Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later, only they made things about a million times worse.

The "Rage" virus which ravages Great Britain is first present not in humans, but in chimpanzees. The infected primates were being held at a research facility until an animal rights group arrived to free them.

Ignoring the advice of a lab assistant, the animal lovers free the chimps with disastrous results. One of them attacks and bites its rescuer, transferring the virus into a human for the first time. Rage quickly spreads across the country, turning people into violent zombie-like beasts.

Whilst the protestors meant well, they probably should have listened to the man in the lab coat. He warned them that the animals were infected and spelled out very clearly what would happen if they were let loose.

Sadly, those damned morals got in the way once again, and the chimps (and Rage) were set free. When will people learn to stop being so nice?!

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.