8 Most Devastating Disney Deaths Of All Time
Remembering the lost heroes of our childhood - and tearing our hearts out at the same time.

It takes a lot to create a character that connects with audiences in such an intimate way that when they inevitably kick the bucket we’re actually disheartened. However, one company seem to be able to do this to us on demand. They cause us to flock to the tissues and our comfort blankets covered in our own tears.
Disney, for years, have had our heart strings wrapped around their little fingers. They force us to care for their little animations before they rip and tear our hopes of their survival to shreds. A father figure with healthy morals? Bang, you’re dead. A courageous wife and mother? See ya later.
This list is composed of the most devastating, terrible and all round painful deaths that Disney has ever delivered. The ones that blew us away with an onslaught of emotions. The ones that we never saw coming and the ones that were just plain hurtful. If you were ever looking for a list that would evoke childhood memories you wish you could forget… look no further.
8. Bambi’s Mum (Bambi)

Talking about this one might feel like rubbing salt in an open wound, so my apologies in advance. However, this list would never be complete without one of the most gut wrenching, heart pounding, “I want to cry but my girlfriend’s sat right beside me” deaths in all of Disney’s back catalogue.
I know that when we saw little Bambi racing through the snow, we all hoped that they’d both make it away from that dastardly hunter in one piece. Unfortunately, as her mother yelled “Faster, don’t look back” it became more and more clear that we were going to lose yet another animated, anthropomorphised parent. The sound of the gun going off was when all of our hearts broke in unity, wishing that maybe the bullet missed just like the first few.
Bambi emerging from the itsy bitsy cave hit the finale nail in the coffin. It really is times like these when we realise how awful us humans can be to our four legged counterparts. I might become vegan.