8 Most Genius Moments In Deadpool's Marketing Campaign

7. First Look At Deadpool

Despite that release date being announced, a Deadpool movie actually happening still felt too good to be true. Perhaps that's why the internet suddenly took a "I'll believe it when I see it" approach to the project, despite the fact that a number of casting additions were quickly made. Throw in Fox's spotty track record with paying attention to the source material with their comic book adaptations, and I for one was convinced for a wile that if the movie was made, he sure as hell wouldn't have that red costume. Reynolds promised in interviews that it would be there, but who knew what kind of tweaks would be made in a bid to make the character's unusual appearance work in live-action. Those doubts were ultimately blown away by the first official image of Ryan Reynolds suited up as Deadpool. To call it brilliant would be an understatement, especially as it wasn't the normal sort of costume reveal which is so often used for superhero movies. That's because Deadpool wasn't standing in a studio with atmospheric lighting or striking some sort of cool pose resembling a famous moment from the comics; he was spoofing the well-known image of Burt Reynolds lying out on a bear skin rug. Now that's unique! As hilariously ridiculous as that pose may have been , seeing the suit was enough to bring a tear to the eye of any fanboy. Looking like it had been torn straight from the pages of the comic books, it was - and still is - impossible to fault and an early sign that the Merc with the Mouth's movie is in safe hands.
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.