8 Most Genius Moments In Deadpool's Marketing Campaign

2. "Where Is Your Ass?"

If you've made it this far into this feature, I'm going to hazard a guess that, like me, you're a Deadpool fan. While there's not a chance in hell we won't be seeing this movie on opening day, there's no doubt that it could be a hard sell for regular moviegoers. The character and concept are so absurd that it might ultimately end up putting people off, especially if they go in expecting a typical superhero outing. Despite his popularity with comic book fans, it's also worth remembering Deadpool also isn't a character who is widely recognised. Throw in that restrictive R-Rating, and Deadpool is going to no doubt go one of two ways; it will be a beloved box office flop like Dredd or a breakout hit like Kingsman: The Secret Service. Or, worst case scenario, it just won't work. That seems the most unlikely option based on material released from the movie so far however. Regardless, releasing the trailer on a stage as grand as Conan was a very smart move. The host even changed the rating of his show for the night to accommodate the red-band preview, and Fox made the right move by getting it out to a national audience rather than just debuting it online and attaching a green-band version to Fantastic Four. However, perhaps the most genius part of Reynolds' appearance on the chat show to promote Deadpool came in a bizarre sequence that saw the Merc with the Mouth massaging the host with panda tears and then demanding to know where his ass is. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but it's a funny attention grabbing moment, and one which will hopefully get people interesting in seeing what else Deadpool has to offer early next year. This was a strong way to kick off the movie's promotional campaign, that's for sure.
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