8 Most Hilariously Bad Things About The New Aquaman Image

5. The Nonsensical Tattoos

There's nothing intrinsically wrong with Aquaman having tribal-style tattoos. As a basic idea they kinda fits with Momoa's casting and ensure he'll be something of a distinct visual presence amongst the rest of the Justice League. The same goes for him being topless - it's not necessarily comic accurate, but caters to a female audience (and demographic ticking is what it's all about, sadly). But did it need to be these tattoos? They're clearly inspired by fishscales, which again sort of fits in a thirteen-year-old's-logic way, but the DC Cinematic Universe used up all its blunt symbolism with the Superman-Jesus parallels in Man Of Steel. Here, with them morphing into triangles on his chest and some nonsensical angles on his stomach, it just seems random shapes for the sake of random shapes. No doubt it's all part of a wider "theme" for Atlatian culture, but purposed intentions doesn't always make great design choices. What makes them actively bad, however, is how they're almost, but not quite the same style as his armour. Did the costume designers and make-up artists not confer once to realise they were following a similar idea, but executing it slightly differently? At the very least, surely it means the character always has to be in costume to pull off his look.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.