8 Most Hilariously Bad Things About The New Aquaman Image

4. Where's The Orange?

On top of being topless and inked to hell, this take on Aquaman is lacking the character's trademark fish-scaled orange top (and his green gloves and legs, but the orange is more glaring). Now this isn't totally surprising - every super powered character in the series thus far has had a decidedly muted colour scheme, fuelling Zack Snyder's fetish for sucking the fun out everything cool. However, unlike Superman's red pants, this isn't some out-dated part of Aquaman's get-up that's been changed for the sake of modernisation. There was nothing wrong with the idea of the orange torso, which has been present through all major versions of the character in print, and it's not something inherently uncool that clashes with the forced "bad-ass" depiction of the hero here. It's just change for the sake of change, which DC fans are probably sick of by now. This is particularly strange given that the film's version of Wonder Woman still features a skirt (if you can call it that) when a more modern pair of trousers was wanted by some progressive fans. It really is all about the sex appeal.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.