8 Most Hilariously Bad Things About The New Aquaman Image

3. He's Cross-Eyed

The human eye has the ability to pick up on minor things that seem slightly unreal, even if the brain doesn't fully comprehend it. That's why so much of modern CGI, for all its complex texturing and lighting, doesn't work, even in a world where photo-realism feels achingly close - you just subconsciously know it looks fake. And it's also why the picture of Momoa as Aquaman just doesn't gel. The problem is his eyes - the more you look at them, the more they don't work. The right iris (or is it pupil - they're so dark it's hard to tell) is slightly lower than the other, which passes ignored on a curious first glance, but under further examination becomes an image ruining mistake it's impossible to overlook. Is he drunk? Taking a funny photo? Or was it some hasty photoshop ahead of tweeting that wasn't done all that well? Probably the latter, which reaffirms one of the biggest issues with the whole image - it's not refined, standing up to only the very lightest scrutiny. You could argue that's because it's just a Twitter image, and not official studio publicity, but so was that first Batman reveal.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.