8 Most Hilariously Bad Things About The New Aquaman Image

1. €œWe Promise He€™s Cool, Seriously€

One of the most prevalent-yet-erroneous criticisms of Aquaman is that he's a lame hero with a mostly ineffectual set of powers. Of course, that's a load of hokum, but thanks to the likes of Family Guy and Robot Chicken (and his silly name) it's become a widely held view. In bringing Orin to the screen then, Warner Bros. need to put in some effort to downplay this wrongful assumption. And boy have they done that. Everything about the image screams of Snyder trying desperately to make Aquaman cool, with nary a concern of making an actual character in the process. Momoa could turn out to be inspired casting and that trident may end up looking like a real source of power, but it's all coming from an overt attempt to make the character cool. Thankfully, a lot of people have picked up on this; the initially overwhelmingly positive reaction has made way for some more grounded assessments. How many of the problems are to do with the image, and how many are systemic of the take on the character as a whole will have to wait until that much rumoured, likely months away, trailer. For now, just enjoy the free comedy. What do you make of the new Aquaman image? Is Momoa going to deliver a great take on the character, or have everything laughing at him (again)? Share you thoughts down in the comments.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.