8 Most Ironic Scenes In MCU History

5. The Avengers Had To Lose To Win

Avengers Assemble Loki Mind Stone
Marvel Studios

The odds had never been stacked against the Avengers more than when they faced Thanos. They were fractured after Civil War anyway, and were nowhere near equipped to fight the Mad Titan even without an Infinity Stone, let alone on his way to filling the gauntlet.

On Titan, Doctor Strange looked into 14 million different variations of the future, trying to figure out how they could possibly defeat Thanos, and came up with only one. In order for the Avengers to win, they first had to lose.

Doctor Strange had to give the Mad Titan the Time Stone in order to keep Tony Stark alive, which allowed him the power to take the Mind Stone from Vision, and ultimately snap his fingers. Strange, and The Ancient One before him, had defended the Eye of Agamotto with their lives, but now he was forced to give it up willingly for the greater good.

Trillions of lives were lost, albeit for five years, for the sole reason of keeping Tony Stark alive. If Thanos hadn’t got his hands on the Time Stone then, he would have killed Stark and in all likelihood procured the stone in some other way. It was a calculated risk, but all of those people had to die in order to ultimately survive.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.