8 Most Overrated Films Of Summer 2016

2. Independence Day: Resurgence

Independence Day Resurgence
20th Century Fox

It feels odd to say a disliked film is overrated, so let’s instead use the phrase overestimated for this entry.

Independence Day 2 is not “dumb fun”. It looked like dumb fun, it was reported as dumb fun, but the finished project is just dumb. Really dumb. And most people who saw it would agree with that. Sure, those who didn’t will make claims of snobbishness or not appreciating entertainment value, but there’s nothing entertaining in personality-less characters running through weightless CGI action, and the reviews and audience reaction reflect that.

Still, compared to some of the other summer duds, it seems to have got an easy ride. Everything about this remake (which is embarrassingly trying to also get a sequel) rides circles of sh*t round everything else on display: this was the worst movie of the summer, yet seems to have escaped as a middle of the pack flick that hasn't got the extended drubbing of Batman V Superman or Suicide Squad.

It’s likely because fewer people saw it and the wealth of online chatter isn't as strong (nobody was really too fussed about a belated legacy-quel to a movie that's oh-so 90s), but that shouldn't make it any less worthy of derision.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.