8 Most Ridiculous Christmas Horror Movies

5. Jack Frost

jack frost
Image Entertainment

Just to take a breather from killer Santas for now, this 1997 horror comedy gives a homicidal spin to another seasonal icon: the snowman. No walking in the air here, although there's a fair bit of stalking in the streets.

Taking a cue from Child's Play, Jack Frost centres on a deranged serial killer who's on his way to his execution in a heavy blizzard, when a freak accident somehow transforms him into a living snowman, with the power to shape-shift from solid to liquid to gas. Heading after the cop that busted him in the small town of Snowmonton (yes, really), Christmas carnage ensues.

This cheap and cheerful bit of straight-to-video sleaze is infamous for two key reasons: firstly, it was the film debut of future American Pie star Shannon Elizabeth, and features her getting raped to death in a bathtub by the killer snowman, whose carrot nose has been temporarily re-purposed.

Secondly, it arrived a year before the 1998 family movie Jack Frost, which starred Michael Keaton as a dad reborn as a snowman; a similar premise, aside from the whole serial killer angle. Legends abound of parents inadvertently renting the wrong version to watch with their kids. What interesting family movie nights they must have been.

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