8 Movie Characters That Hollywood Has F*cked Up Twice

8. The Fantastic Four - Fantastic Four (2004)/Fantastic Four (2015)

The Characters: You'd think that a group of superheroes as interesting as the Fantastic Four would have fared better in Hollywood over the years, and yet these guys have been ill-served at pretty much every turn. Just when you think they've fallen into the right hands (ahem: Josh Trank), it turns out that, oh wait, here's one of the worst movies ever made. The First Time: Hollywood's first attempt to nail the fabulous foursome was just weird. Instead of shooting for a movie in a similar vein to, say, X-Men or Spider-Man, Fantastic Four (2005) - and its sequel, 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007) - settled to be a kids' film of sorts; utterly generic in every capacity, with smiley performances from the likes of Jessica Alba (?) and that guy from The Shield. It was terribly cuddly and safe and plainly awful. The Second Time: "Finally!" said everyone, when it was announced that Josh Trank had been hired to direct a cinematic reboot of the Fantastic Four. "The Fantastic Four can get the movie that they deserve." And yet Trank's film is arguably worse than the 2004 incarnation of the character; a movie that meanders for the length of its runtime, offers up bland interpretations of the titular four, bad SFX, and is wholly incompetent in every way.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.