8 Movie Characters That Hollywood Has F*cked Up Twice

7. Indy's Sidekick - Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom/Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

The Character: Eminent archaeologist Indiana Jones often has a sidekick of sorts in his company as he traverses the globe - and to mixed results. Whilst Hollywood has occasionally gotten this aspect of the Indy movies right (Marion and Sallah were great sidekicks in Raiders, whilst the ragtag crew in Last Crusade was unforgettable), there are two sidekicks in particular that feel about as ill-judged as they come. What gives? The First Time: Despite the fact that Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is a generally underrated entry in the Indy canon, it's difficult to defend the character of Short Round, Indy's Chinese kid sidekick, who spends the sum of the movie kicking Thuggee guards and walking a fine line between "playful homage" and "racist caricature." Not to mention that those relentless cries of "Dr. Jones!" (and all the kung-fu) were near-on insufferable. The Second Time: It wasn't until almost 25 years after Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom when Steven Spielberg and friends decided to play the "Annoying Sidekick" card all over again - and this time, it was even worse. Shia LaBeouf was cast in the shockingly ill-judged role of Mutt Williams, Indy's long lost son, and spent the sum of the movie being a jerk, swinging through the trees like Tarzan, and generally acting like a total douchebag.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.