8 Movie Characters That Hollywood Has F*cked Up Twice

2. Robin Hood - Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves/Robin Hood

The Character: He steals from rich and gives to the poor. That's kind of everything you need to know about Robin Hood, a fictional character who has enamoured audiences for hundreds of years. Like Sherlock Holmes, Robin Hood's integration into popular culture has resulted in many people believing him to be an actual historical figure. The extensive mythology surrounding Hood (and his Merry Men) has assured a good number of filmic adaptations - here, the focus is on two of Hollywood's more notable, modern efforts. The First Time: Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves is actually a pretty enjoyable movie, but that's not really anything to do with its star, Kevin Costner. Costner is somewhat serviceable in the lead role as Robin Hood, but his non-attempt to do a British accent (literally: Costner didn't bother to even try a British accent and opted for his own American one) means that he stands out like a sore thumb. A poor man's Robin Hood, no doubt. The Second Time: With 2010's Robin Hood, Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe attempted to do what they did with Gladiator - to questionable results. This version of the folk legend is far too serious for his own good, and Crowe ends up being so brooding and po-faced that all the fun is sucked away. The result, then, was something in the vein of the Gladiator but with none of its context. And Crowe's Hood is about as forgettable a hero as they come.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.