8 Movie Characters Who Suffered The Most From Time Travel

8. Joe Either Lives To Lose His Wife Or Kills Himself - Looper

TriStar Pictures/FilmDistrict

For sociopaths not above murdering strangers, becoming a Looper is a pretty plum job. You occasionally have to kill someone sent back in time (who is thus untraceable) for a load of gold bars and then get to spend the rest of your time partying, dripping drugs into your eyes and almost running over children in slums.

Sounds great. Well, aside from one minor sub-clause in your contract. Eventually the crime organisation behind all the easy kills will want to "close your loop", a fancy term for sending your future version back in time to for you to kill. And if you fail to do that, you get your limbs lopped off until older you gives up. That's a pretty rough retirement plan.

Though that sounds bad, it's only worse for Joe. When they try to close his loop, his future version escapes and attempts to hunt down the leader of the crime syndicate. After a bit of child murder (oh yeah, this film goes shockingly dark), it all culminates in Young Joe killing himself to stop Old Joe (the time travel at play here is so intricate the film even jokes about not being able to explain it). Whether in Joseph Gordon-Levitt or Bruce Willis form, Joe doesn't get a happy ever after.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.