8 Movie Characters Who Suffered The Most From Time Travel

1. Aaron And Abe Ruin Their Friendship (And The Audience's Minds) - Primer


Primer follows two friends, Aaron and Abe, who accidentally create a time machine. It works in a loop, with people travelling back the same amount of time they remain in the machine. At first they use it to make a quick buck on the stock exchange, but as things get out of hand Abe uses a back-up machine to undo all their meddling. However, Aaron has already cottoned onto the this, sending himself further back and taking control of the technology. And then things get really weird.

That's about as simply the film's plot can be explained without having to grapple with the mathematical precision of the presentation, so let's cut right to the end to avoid brain splattering all over your screen. OK, so as the credits roll there are three versions of Aaron (one who was drugged, one who runs away to France and one who disappears elsewhere) and two of Abe (the original and the one who's travelled back in time).

In what has only been five days in unmessed time, this pair have not only had their friendship blown wide open, but their lives have been irreversibly ruined - the duplicates can't go back to their families and even the versions that get to continue living the normal lives have had their perceptions realigned. And it's only going to get more messy - the final scene shows Aaron attempting to built a warehouse size version of the machine with much grander plans.

Which other movie characters suffered from time travel? Share any we missed down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.