8 Movie Deaths So Gruesome They Had To Happen Off-Screen

1. Death By Velociraptor €“ Jurassic Park

Samuel L. Jackson has a rather thankless role in Jurassic Park. He doesn't get to display any heroics, nor does he even really get to be interesting €“ he's just the chief engineer that selflessly offered to leave the safety of a concrete bunker and head back into an island-sized feeding area to turn Jurassic Park's power back on and save the day. Yet people to this day are still only interested in Goldblum. An arm €“ that's all that's left of Samuel L. Jackson's Mr. Arnold after his failed mission to restart the power in the carnivorous theme park. That arm, which initially seems to Ellie Satler (Laura Dern) like a symbol of comfort as she cries out for Arnold, is merely the part the velociraptors didn't want. So one question remains: what happened to the rest of the body? Well, we can only guess that those perma-grining giant turkey-monsters that moments previous ate gamekeeper Muldoon's face off didn't get their fill, and so decided to chow down on some computer nerd too. Given Muldoon's fate despite his position as friend of the velociraptors, expect that a similar level of remorselessness was reserved for Arnold.

Lover of film, writer of words, pretentious beyond belief. Thinks Scorsese and Kubrick are the kings of cinema, but PT Anderson and David Fincher are the dashing young princes. Follow Brogan on twitter if you can take shameless self-promotion: @BroganMorris1