8 Movie Deaths So Gruesome They Had To Happen Off-Screen

2. Death By Suitcase €“ Dead Man's Shoes

Of all Dead Man's Shoes' death-based surprises, the discovery of drug dealer Tuff's (Paul Sadot) contorted body inside luggage is the most shocking: As we near the end of Shane Meadows' social-realist horror, it appears Richard (Paddy Considine) has the upper hand, having tracked down and furiously confronted the group of men who tortured his brother and forced him to suicide. By this point, Richard's disposed of nearly everyone involved. All except for Herbie (Stuart Wolfenden), who Richard's allowed to live for two reasons: one is that he wants information, and two is that he wants to scare the bejesus out of him, and he does that by showing him his former friend lying dead in a suitcase and asking: "Do you want to give him a kiss?" Trapped in a frozen death-scream, we can see Tuff will not be reciprocating. Did Richard put Tuff in the suitcase first, or kill him and then put him in? The expression on Tuff's face suggests that, however it happened, it wasn't a comfortable way out. Going on hero/villain Richard's other methods of goon-disposal €“ axe in the head, bullet in the face, nose through the brain €“ it wouldn't be a surprise if he got Tuff to climb in himself, before Richard just willed him to die with his own sense of righteous anger.

Lover of film, writer of words, pretentious beyond belief. Thinks Scorsese and Kubrick are the kings of cinema, but PT Anderson and David Fincher are the dashing young princes. Follow Brogan on twitter if you can take shameless self-promotion: @BroganMorris1