8 Movie Franchises That Desperately Need Saving (And How To Save Them)

2. Ensure That The Next Movie Has (At Least) A Coherent Story - Transformers

Transformers You won't believe what audiences will put up with when it comes to blockbusters if you at least ensure the movie has a story that they're able to follow. You can't ask for much from a Transformers movie these days, of course, given that Michael Bay is the guy in charge, and explosions and CGI battles are the only real guarantee. That's why my suggestions as to how to improve this franchise are limited entirely to: give us a coherent story. To suggest any more would be pointless. It doesn't have to be big and it doesn't have to be clever - just make sure that it makes sense! Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is one of the most unnecessarily incoherent movies ever made, and for what purpose? Why does a movie about giant fighting robots need to be so confusing and complicated? The level of chaos inherent to its narrative is incomprehensible (which goes for the third movie, too). For the fourth installment, all we ask is... that the concept holds together. That's ultimately all you need to ensure to improve the sequel. All. You. Need.

All-round pop culture obsessive.