8 Movie Plot Holes That Could Have Been Solved With One Line Of Dialogue

3. Why Doesn't Major Hellstrom Recognise Hugo Stiglitz? - Inglourious Basterds

StiglitzThe Plot Hole:Inglourious Basterds tells the story of a group of potential insane American soldiers who get medieval on the Nazis, scalping them and hitting them to death with basketball bats. One member of the Basterds is a former German-enlisted man named Hugo Stiglitz, who made a reputation is a traitor after killing several members of the Nazi High Command. In Tarantino's own written words: "Everyone in the German army has heard of Hugo Stiglitz." So why doesn't Major Hellstrom recognise him during the movie's crucial basement sequence? The "One Line" That Could've Solved It..."Do I know you from somewhere?" - Major Hellstrom That's it. Just a simple acknowledgement of the situation on Tarantino's part could have addressed this issue with a nice level of self-awareness. And Stiglitz could have simply shook his head and said "No," and we could have moved on with the sequence. Sure, it might've ruined the built up of tension that we're working towards the end of the scene, but people like things to be spelled out for them nowadays, don't they? To be fair, though, Hellstrom was important enough to have known what Stiglitz looked like. Let's just pretend he was just drunk.

All-round pop culture obsessive.