8 Movie Plot Holes That Could Have Been Solved With One Line Of Dialogue

4. How Does Batman Get Back To Gotham City? - The Dark Knight Rises

Dark Knight RisesThe Plot Hole: Not a plot hole in the technical sense, but more of an irksome moment lacking a good explanation, this moment in Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises has provided fanboys both big and small an excuse to go wild with rage for the past year or so, because what is is there to do on a Tuesday night? When Bruce Wayne is shipped off to the Middle East somewhere by Bane, it somehow finds his way back into a closed-off Gotham from halfway across the world with no resources. The "One Line" That Could've Solved It..."A former customer in Dubai owed me a favour - besides, I'm a really good swimmer." - Bruce Wayne Employing this little ditty would have certainly held the fanboys at bay, given that it tackles both Bruce Wayne's return and the ridiculous nature of said return... all in the same sentence. We get some clarification as to how Bruce made his way back (hooking up with an old customer is about as good an explanation as any, especially when you mention he's from Dubai, implying he's rich as heck), and then we get a little comment about how he must've swum across the ocean into Gotham City unnoticed. There we go. That's what happened.

All-round pop culture obsessive.