8 Movie Plot Points Secretly Introduced Earlier Than You Realised

3. Thor: Ragnarok - Thor Losing His Eye

Knives Out Marta Blanc
Marvel Studios

Thor: Ragnarok sees Thor’s destructive older sister come to Asgard and wreak her signature brand of havoc. She makes it pretty clear that she has no respect for the powers that be on the planet, clearing out villagers and massacring Asgard’s army.

Whilst Loki and Thor are otherwise indisposed, she goes to the palace to cause some chaos. Part of her tirade is to destroy the murals of her father and brothers, sending the stone crashing down to the ground.

It turns out that this wasn’t just an expression of anger toward the three men, but also served as a way for the filmmakers to get in a little bit of foreshadowing for the later confrontation.

When Thor returns home and surveys the damage, he approaches the torn down murals and inspects his own face staring up from the ground. Across his right eye there is a large crack - a crack put on his visage by Hela’s violence.

It’s a cheeky nod to their later fight in which Hela makes this picture a reality, in which Hela gouges out Thor’s right eye. It’s a little one but it’s super satisfying to notice.

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