8 Movie Plot Points Secretly Introduced Earlier Than You Realised
2. Skyfall - M’s Death
It’s in the opening credits that Skyfall betrays its major plot point that is M’s death. Towards the end of the film we finally witness the loss of Judy Dench’s M after seven films’ worth of faithful service.
It has been long enough now that I think most if not all James Bond fans have seen Skyfall, and thus are privy to M’s fate. However, when this first came out, this would be a major spoiler for those viewing it for the first time, I just wonder if anyone was smart enough to pick up on it immediately. Right in the intro sequence the producers decided to have a little fun, putting a reference to this major plot point right in front of us.
Now that we know how things unfold it seems almost daringly obvious what they did: showing Judy Dench’s name over the background of a graveyard. This means that as soon as the intro was over we had already had it planted deep in our subconscious that M was doomed, but it was so cheeky and quick that nobody would ever have known.