8 Movie Plot Twists So Subtle You Totally Missed Them

6. Bruce Can Control His Anger (Ahead Of The Avengers) - The Incredible Hulk

Bruce Banner Hulk
Marvel Studios

The Movie: Not as god-awful as the Ang Lee version, but neither boasting a performance quite as brilliant as Mark Ruffalo's, The Incredible Hulk is a comic book movie that just sort of sits there, ready to be rewatched by MCU completionists and ignored by everyone else. The film itself raises some interesting ideas, exploring the difficulties of actually living with the Hulk always looming over your shoulder, although that can be lost in all the 'big thing hitting other big things' fight sequences.

The Twist You Didn't Notice: There's a distinct disconnect between this film and the later Avengers movies that goes just beyond the casting - entire plot points are dropped. However, there is one moment that is leading into the team-up, it's just hard to notice without the pay-off. The film ends with Bruce once again on the run, although this time not from his alter ego; the final scene shows him meditating, leading to one final transformation.

There's an ambiguity to this scene, mainly because Marvel hadn't decided if Hulk was going to be the villain in The Avengers or not. Following the reveal that he's "always angry", however, the true meaning is clear; this is Bruce stepping out of his alter-ego's shadow and taking control.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.