8 Movie Plot Twists So Subtle You Totally Missed Them
5. Amy Kept Nick's Sperm - Gone Girl
The Movie: Gone Girl is a movie so twisty that no amount of shouting from Ferris Bueller could ever balance it out. The premise - Amy Dunne goes missing and the finger of blame quickly falls on husband Nick - is clear set-up for a shocking reveal, meaning the audience can't help but pour over every detail David Fincher methodically lays out.
The big rug-pull comes at the exact mid-point, where it's revealed Amy is framing Nick for her disappearance as punishment for his infidelity, but that's not the end of Gone Girl's twisting; there's demented exes and throat slitting to get through before the end credits.
The Twist You Didn't Notice: Despite the horrors he's been through, the film leaves Nick playing happy families with a returned Amy, who's using their unborn child as a bargaining chip. It's the sickest part of a film that, and sorry for bringing this up again, has a throat-slitting scene, which means you don't really question how Amy got pregnant by an understandably uninterested Nick.
A rewatch (or just reading the book) sheds some light on it - the sperm samples that Nick presumed destroyed early on in the film were actually kept by Amy for use in just such a situation. Now that's forward planning.