8 Movie Sidekicks More Annoying Than Jar Jar Binks
6. Gurgi - John Byner - The Black Cauldron If there's one thing that Disney know how to do, it's create memorable movie sidekicks. This is the company who gave you the likes of Abu, Sebastian, Cogsworth, after all, and weren't they all hilarious and more interesting than the main characters? So trust us when we say that Disney know the worth (merchandising possibilites) of having a good sidekick (that a kid can cuddle to sleep). Apparently, though, the people in Disney's brain department had a day off when they conjured up The Black Cauldron's Gurgi, a freaky monkey-dog thing that a vegetarian would rather butcher eat than spend 10 minutes in the company of. Gurgi is kind of like Gollum, except without any redeeming features that, you know, make him an iconic character in any way, shape or form. He's also a bloody thief, which is just plain immoral.