8 Movies Everyone Remembers For One Terrible Scene

3. Too Bad You Will Die! - Mortal Kombat: Annihilation

showgirls movie
New Line Cinema

Jumping into another piece of dialogue so spine-tinglingly terrible that it has far outlived its source, here's that time a line many consider to be the worst in screenwriting history sliced its way into existence.

Upon revealing herself to very much be alive to her daughter, Kitana, the mighty queen of Edenia, Sindel, utters a phrase in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation which soon became the go-to response for many a cinephile on the back of returning to the dance floor after going missing in the club for a few hours.

The jolting riposte of, "Too bad you will die!", still carries the potential to catch even the most passionate of MK II fans off-guard nearly 25 years on. With Musetta Vander's power pose and screen-piercing finger point filling out a moment so rotten, it quickly became a bizarrely endearing calling card for the then-latest botched attempt at breathing life into a video game on-screen project.

That being said, it still acts as an unlikely highlight to what is otherwise an all-round stale, steaming turd of a sequel, in the end.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...