8 Movies Everyone Remembers For One Terrible Scene

2. Playground Scrap - Daredevil

showgirls movie

Last Affleck entry, I swear!

You do seriously have to feel sorry for the eventual Oscar winner, though. Every time he gets his hands on a cherished superhero property, the world seems to conspire against him and drop the star right in the middle of some of the most ridiculed sequences of their time.

Keeping in this vein, Affleck's first dip into the superhero world back in 2003 played host to what many class as the definitive so-bad-it's-good street fight. After Matt Murdoch has creepily stalked Jennifer Garner's Elektra all the way to a playground, the two proceed to duke it out amongst the swings... as you do.

Simultaneously de-jacketing in front of an audience of barely engaged children, the combination of campy, cartoonish martial arts manoeuvres and equally vomit-inducing one-liners made for a fight scene that all but banished this flick from the worthwhile-superhero-adventure-conversation in one hilariously dumb kick.

Sure, it's hardly the only truly dreadful beat the movie has to offer, but it definitely sits as the one many point to when they feel like reminding themselves why a Daredevil sequel didn't quickly flip into theatres in the mid-noughties.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...