8 Movies That Broke Their Own Rules

4. Time Travel Logic - Looper

LooperRule: Mutilating one's body as a youngster will inflict those same wounds upon the older equivalent along with any natural consequences of that. Films about time travel are prone to issues like this by their sheer nature, though Looper, a great film no doubt, does raise a few taxing questions of its own. Firstly, when Young Joe cuts the name of the diner waitress on his arm and the scar instantaneously appears on Old Joe's arm, would this not create a real issue with Young Joe eventually meeting his wife? I'm sorry, but if you meet a guy and he has the name of a woman scarred into his arm, I think 99% of women would go the other way and never look back. While it makes sense that Young Joe would be impulsive and not think about his actions having consequences - because, of course, he can't see into the future in the strictest sense - this would likely have altered the timeline completely, writing his wife out of the picture altogether, or at least making Old Joe's memory of her very, very cloudy. On the whole Rian Johnson does broach the whole time travel logic rather well, but this is just a minor blip.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.