8 Movies That Got Directors Fired From Other Movies

2. The Book Of Henry Got Colin Trevorrow Fired From Star Wars: Episode IX

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Focus Features

In August 2015, Jurassic World director was confirmed to be helming Star Wars: Episode IX, as would of course later become The Rise of Skywalker.

However in September 2017, it was announced that Trevorrow had departed the project amid the oft-cited "creative differences" with the film's producer Kathleen Kennedy.

But reports soon enough emerged that Trevorrow was ousted due to being a difficult collaborator during pre-production, and that after his previous film The Book of Henry was panned earlier that summer by critics, it was the straw that broke the camel's back in convincing Kennedy to fire him. An insider said:

"When the reviews for Book of Henry came out, there was immediately conjecture that Kathy was going to dump him because they weren't thrilled with working with him anyway... He's a difficult guy. He's really, really, really confident. Let's call it that."

Trevorrow was ultimately replaced by The Force Awakens' director J.J. Abrams, and though many at the time rested easy that the sequel was now in the hands of a reliable filmmaker, The Rise of Skywalker of course released to a wildly mixed reception from fans.

To make matters worse, Trevorrow's original script for the film landed online and many fans felt it was superior to what we ended up with.

Trevorrow's career has been just fine since, though, as he's currently finishing up post-production on Jurassic World: Dominion.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.