8 Movies That Got Directors Fired From Other Movies

1. Sky Captain & The World Of Tomorrow Flopped & Got Kerry Conran Fired From John Carter

x-men singer
Paramount Pictures

By getting in tight with the right people, director Kerry Conran managed to secure a $70 million budget for his 2004 directorial debut Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, a sci-fi action-adventure film starring Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Angelina Jolie.

Though generally well-received by critics for its innovative, effects-heavy filmmaking style, it tanked at the box office and almost immediately pumped the brakes on Conran's promising career.

Conran had been in negotiations to direct John Carter of Mars, an adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom book series, but allegedly once the opening weekend numbers for Sky Captain dropped, he was promptly given his marching papers.

Conran was eventually replaced with Jon Favreau, though Paramount ultimately shelved the project for several years until it was picked up by Disney, who ended up making it under the shortened title John Carter with Pixar filmmaker Andrew Stanton.

John Carter went on to grossly underperform at the box office and score wildly mixed reviews, though does enjoy a certain cult fandom today.

As for Conran, after failing to get several subsequent films off the ground he decided to step away from Hollywood and work on his own projects.

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