8 Movies That Sacrificed Their Integrity By Pandering To The Masses

4. Taken 2 (2012)

taken-2-trailerSacrificed Its Integrity By... Dumbing Down The Violence I'm convinced that somewhere, deep within the collected footage for Taken 2, including whatever was thrown out during the editing process, that there's probably a good movie. As it stands, though, the cut of the movie that we were all granted - theatrically, anyway - was embarrassing. Nobody expected a masterpiece with this sequel to the surprise hit which had Liam Neeson raging around Paris trying to find his daughter, but c'mon - no fair! The original Taken was successful, of course, because it was a violent, balls to the walls exploitation gem - uncompromising in its violence, language and, uh, "sexy" bits. But when it came time for the sequel, the studio decided to sell us fans down the river - instead of offering us the Taken 2 we deserved (i.e. a Taken 2 that embraced violence on a R-rated level), we got a mild, bland and uninteresting action movie - one that feels compromised from start to finish.

All-round pop culture obsessive.