8 Movies The Simpsons (Probably) Spoiled For You

1. Citizen Kane

The Simpsons Dr Zaius

The Simpsons is positively filled with references to once Greatest Movie Of All Time, most of them centering on Mr Burns - his campaign for Governor in Two Cars In Every Garage And Three Eyes On Every Fish name-checks the victory speech and later Xanadu freakout - although a standout is the cane (can't believe Planet Springfield managed to get that).

Biggest of all though, and by far the most spoilerific, is the episode Rosebud. The entire thing really amps up the links between Monty and Charles Foster, and right at its centre is Bobo, a stuffed bear parallel to Kane's sledge. It's never directly said what's being parodied for the benefit of the oblivious, but with the episode title it's impossible to not join the dots and know the film's twist from the off.

Family Guy was less tactful (and seemingly less enamoured) when it took on Orson Welles' opus; in one cutaway Peter Griffen tapes over the movie, giving away the end straight up and saving the viewer "two, boobless hours".

What other movies have The Simpsons spoiled for you? Share any more dwon in the comments.

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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.