8 Movies The Simpsons (Probably) Spoiled For You

2. A Streetcar Named Desire

The Simpsons Dr Zaius

Planet Of The Apes wasn't the first movie Simpsons speared with an inexplicable musical adaptation; two years earlier Marge was cast in Oh, Streetcar! as Blanche DuBois (in an episode not so subtly titled A Streetcar Named Marge).

A full six songs were written for Oh, Streetcar!, but in the end most wound up cut. It doesn't matter though; between the play and the parallels Marge draws between Homer and Stanley (bit harsh) all the key moments are shown and Blanche's depressing arc touchingly detailed (even if the songs somewhat skirt around the true sadness of it). It's pitch perfect parody, sure, but for those not au fait with Tennessee Williams may want to plug their ears.

The episode also boasts strong parodies of The Great Escape and The Birds, making it one of the most classic cinema-infused episodes of all time.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.