8 Movies Where The Worst Version Got Made

1. Alien Vs. Predator

Alien Vs Predator
20th Century Fox

Alien vs Predator has to go down as one of the greatest bag fumblings in movie history. While the film returned a significant sum at the box office, it squandered the easiest home run premise ever in pitting two of sci-fi's most iconic creatures against each other - the Xenomorphs from Alien, and the Yautja from Predator. The two franchises had crossed over numerous times on the page in comics from Dark Horse and in video games following a genius Easter egg tease in the underrated second Predator film, so by 2004, a big screen crossover had been over a decade in the making.

Unfortunately, neither Alien vs. Predator nor its sequel, Alien vs. Predator: Requiem, were able to deliver. While the latter gets some gnarly bonus points for being so thoroughly nasty in its approach to the material, both films failed to do justice to the comic book meetings between the two franchises, taking place in the 21st century rather than in the more interesting setting of the far future.

Alien is simply way less compelling as a concept when given a contemporary setting, and the idea of pitting the Predator against the Xenos and soldiers with Colonial Marine-style technology would've made for a refreshing change of pace.

Tragically, this is the exact kind of AvP movie that Hellboy screenwriter Peter Briggs pitched to Fox back in 1991. Briggs' script, The Hunt: Alien vs. Predator, took significant inspiration from the Dark Horse comics and was set in the future. It's gone down as one of the best scripts that was never filmed, and reading breakdowns it's easy to see why. Just expect to end up despairingly laughing as you set your explodey wrist thing off, because of all the AvP movies Fox could've gone with, it's a real shocker this wasn't it.


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20th Century Fox

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Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.