8 Musicals Being Made Into Movies (And Why You Should Care)

8. Miss Saigon

Miss SaigonThe Musical: A theatrical adaptation of famed Puccini opera Madame Butterfly by Les Misérables composers Claude-Michel Schonberg & Alain Boublil, Miss Saigon tells the heart-rending love story of an American GI and a Vietnamese bar girl set in 1970s Saigon at the height of the Vietnam War. The Tony Award winner remains a favourite and a modern classic in the hearts of many. Why The Movie€™s Worth Watching: Simply put, Miss Saigon isn€™t a favourite for nothing: with a recent record-breaking revival on the West End, the musical has been going strong for 24 years, and has lost little power since. Though its setting is now dated, Miss Saigon€™s heart and the resonance of its themes of the consequences of war and Western intervention resonate as powerfully now as they did when the Vietnam War was freshly raw in American memory. Although most agree it€™s not as universal as its predecessor Les Mis, a film version done correctly would do wonders to revive the more faded aspects of Miss Saigon€™s appeal, while keeping its entertaining factor, and fleshing out its story and supporting cast. Although this one might be considered more €œwishful thinking€ than €œupcoming,€ Broadway producer Cameron Mackintosh (also of Les Mis fame) says that a film adaptation of Miss Saigon is €œmeant to be.€ However, the only concrete detail is a promise of a cinematic version provided that 2012€™s Les Misérables be successful; and with it making over 400 million at the box office, the heat is definitely on for Miss Saigon.
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Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.