8 Musicals Being Made Into Movies (And Why You Should Care)

1. Spring Awakening

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDhAXgbhP_c#t=17 The Musical: Based on an 1891 German play, Spring Awakening is a tale of teenagers€™ disillusionment with their puritanical 19th century upbringing, as they tumultuously navigate sexuality. The 2006 rock musical by Sheik and Sater is notable for its open portrayal of controversial issues that plague its adolescent characters, including suicide, rape, homosexuality, child abuse, and abortion. Why The Movie€™s Worth Watching: Spring Awakening is incredibly relevant, relatable, and €“ for a musical set in late-19th century Germany €“ current. With an alternative rock score boasting very non-Broadway-conventional songs such as €˜The B*tch of Living€™ and €˜Totally F*cked,€™ Spring Awakening is a refreshingly forward, uncensored, and honest musical about what it€™s like to be growing up in a world you€™re not allowed to understand. Furthermore, with a cast of relatable young characters each with their own crosses to bear, an expansion for minor characters via the more breathable medium of film would only improve the already remarkable show. What€™s more, a film €“ currently only assigned a producer and director €“ at this stage allows the musical a chance to have some of its original and illustrious cast, not yet too aged to be unrealistic, reprise their roles: most notably, the talented performers Lea Michele and Jonathan Groff, now of Glee and Frozen fame, respectively. Overall, Spring Awakening has a darkly believable story lightened by the sceptical hope of adolescence, a score that is enjoyable to the varied demographic of filmgoers, and, more importantly, has the fluidity and earnestness that have viewers believe that music is the only way these complicated feelings €“ even ones that we€™ve all felt in our turn €“ can be communicated to an audience.
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Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.