8 New Awards Categories That Would Make The Oscars Better

3. Best Achievement In Dance And Musical Choreography

Oscars Best Stunt
Paramount Pictures

The cheat-sheet to guarantee an award (or at least a nomination or two) at the Oscars is to lean into musicals.

A singing and dancing routine might not be to everyone's taste, but the effort that goes into setting up a shot with lighting, camerawork, costume and finally the synchronized movements of the cast should be addressed at a more prestige level.

Awards for best original song and costume find themselves attached to musicals like glue, but if we were to take the opening dance sequence in La La Land for instance and remember that at one point the Academy did have an award for Best Dance Direction; we'd see it as a crime that Mandy Moore (not that one) didn't receive some accolade for her work.

Why is the Academy abandoning these old awards and titles? In this almighty wave of musical biopics, the performances of the actors aren't the only things we appreciate. Dance co-ordination can be just as impressive as the somber and serious scenes involving Freddie Mercury or Elton John.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!