8 New Awards Categories That Would Make The Oscars Better

1. Best Shared Performances On Screen

Oscars Best Stunt

It sucks that there is only four awards to be won for acting.

Being nominated and acknowledged is just as rewarding, but out of the hundreds of films a year and thousands of actors and performances, only four awards are dished out?

For films with ensemble casts, why not create a category that acknowledges the shared on-screen performances of more than two actors. A micro-ensemble cast if you will.

For films like Little Women, The Irishman and even Knives Out- it's easy to give each actor their own separate nomination, but acknowledging the contribution every actor brings to the film as a collective might be more fulfilling knowing it wasn't all a solo endeavor?

Take the Kim family from Parasite; four actors bouncing off each other so delightfully it has to be acknowledged and even rewarded.

Some films survive off the backs of a single actor or lead role, but for multi-narrative or character-driven pieces it can be hard to single out the best supporting role from the pack.

Obviously you wouldn't nominate the entire cast of Avengers: Endgame. So keep the headcount strict. No less than two, and no more than six (or four?).

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!